November 29th, 2022
Location: Police Zone Midi, Belgian Local Police, Brussels
This workshop and webinar, co-hosted by the Secure Communities Forum and the Belgian Local Police, was initiated to empower law enforcement and public safety organizations to enhance their community trust through social media and digital platforms.
It took place both via zoom and in-person in Brussels and explored the latest trends in digital and social media police public relations and equipped participants with cutting-edge best practices in this space.
Our event featured leaders in public safety PR, tech and community policing and was designed to educate law enforcement agencies, officers, and police public relations personnel with practical tools and tips to better engage their communities through digital means including social media and mobile apps as well as how to promote online safety.
Program Segments:
A publicly accessible zoom webinar featuring attendees from 12 countries and several speakers and briefings focused on the topic of law enforcement and digital communications.
A closed workshop consisting of 5 law enforcements agencies and the SCF focused on developing tangible written guidelines to maximize the use of digital tools by law enforcement to build better community trust. These guidelines will be made accessible to law enforcement agencies and other relevent organization for reference and implementation.
Speakers and Contributors:

Lt. Col. Dana Humaid, Director General of International Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Interior, UAE
Sarah Frederickx: Head of Communication / Policy Advisor to the Chief of Police Brussels South
Amanda Coleman: Crisis Communication Consultant, Author of Crisis Communication Strategies
Benjamin Shor: Enterprise Executive, Granicus
Superintendent Timothy De Vos: Deputy Chief of Police, Belgian Local Police Schoten
Captain Musabbeh Alsaedi, Police Attache to Europe, United Arab Emirates
Lea Bärenson, Head of West Harju Police Station, Estonian Police and Border Guard Board
Mindaugas Stravinskas, Deputy Director of the Financial Crime Investigation Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuani
Superintendent Priscilla Caruana Lee, Malta Police
Eitan Charnoff, Emergency Services Consultant and Event Moderator
Organizational Affiliation
Our speaker's organizational affiliation includes federal and local law enforcement agencies, as well as tech companies including:

During the workshop phase, we developed guidelines on best practices for law enforcement digital communications based on the event discussions and expert input. This short document is meant to be easily digestible and highly applicable within law enforcement agencies and communication firms working with law enforcement and first responder organizations.
These guidelines can be viewed or downloaded below: