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International Working Group on Public Safety and People of Determination

The Secure Communities Forum, in collaboration with The Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice and Disability, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Guarda Nacional Republicana, Innovative Prison Systems, Oxon Advisory, and other global experts and organizations, joined forces in 2023 to establish a pioneering international working group aimed at advancing the support provided by law enforcement and public safety agencies to People of Determination worldwide. The term "People of Determination" is uniquely used in the United Arab Emirates to refer to individuals with disabilities, emphasizing their strength and resilience.

Guidelines for Public Safety and People of Determination

The SCF's Working Group has crafted concise and practical guidelines to assist various public safety agencies in their mission to enhance services for People of Determination, irrespective of geographical location or style of government. The ultimate objective of this document is to provide foundational knowledge of eclectic and essential steps that a public safety organization, such as law enforcement, corrections, EMS, or fire, can take to ensure maximal respect, dignity, and service for populations of People of Determination.

Our working group is available regarding any questions regarding the guidelines or their implementation.

Our Partners

Our working group is proudly comprised of diverse organizations and individuals from around the world, dedicated to the mutual cause of better supporting the way law enforcement and public safety officials support people with determination globally.

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Resource Center for Public Safety and People of Determination

Additionally, the SCF's Working Group has curated a resource center comprising tools, training guidelines, and other assets that can aid global public safety agencies in gaining a deeper understanding and expanding their capacity to support their critical population of People of Determination.


We welcome suggested additions of good practices, training, and other online resources, which we would be honored to add to the below collection.

We welcome you to contribute to our Resource Center or join our working group.

Share your expertise, training materials, and good practices to enrich our platform and empower the global community. Together, let's make a lasting impact.

Thanks for Joining Us!

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